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Packages beginning with letter S

s390utils-0.2-2 Linux/390 specific utilities. Linux/s390
samba-2.0.5a-12 Samba SMB server. Linux/s390
samba-client-2.0.5a-12 Samba (SMB) client programs. Linux/s390
samba-common-2.0.5a-12 Files used by both Samba servers and clients. Linux/s390
sash-3.3-1 A statically linked shell, including some built-in basic commands. Linux/s390
screen-3.9.4-3 A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal. Linux/s390
sed-3.02-4 A GNU stream text editor. Linux/s390
sendmail-8.9.3-15 A widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA). Linux/s390
sendmail-cf-8.9.3-15 The files needed to reconfigure Sendmail. Linux/s390
sendmail-doc-8.9.3-15 Documentation about the Sendmail Mail Transport Agent program. Linux/s390
setuptool-1.2-4 A text mode configuration tool. Linux/s390
sh-utils-2.0-1 A set of GNU utilities commonly used in shell scripts. Linux/s390
shadow-utils-19990827-2 Utilities for managing shadow password files and user/group accounts. Linux/s390
shapecfg-2.2.12-2 A configuration tool for setting traffic bandwidth parameters. Linux/s390
sharutils-4.2.1-1.6.1 The GNU shar utilities for packaging and unpackaging shell archives. Linux/s390
slang-1.2.2-4 The shared library for the S-Lang extension language. Linux/s390
slang-devel-1.2.2-4 The static library and header files for development using S-Lang. Linux/s390
slocate-2.0-3 Finds files on a system via a central database. Linux/s390
slrn- A powerful, easy to use, threaded Internet news reader. Linux/s390
slrn-pull- Offline news reading support for slrn. Linux/s390
socks5-v1.0r10-2 Socks services for forwarding sockets to remote hosts. Linux/s390
socks5-devel-v1.0r10-2 Static library and includes for socksifying clients. Linux/s390
socks5-server-v1.0r10-2 socks server (socks5) for forwarding sockets to remote hosts. Linux/s390
stat-1.5-11 A tool for finding out information about a specified file. Linux/s390
strace-3.99.1-3 Tracks and displays system calls associated with a running process. Linux/s390
symlinks-1.2-5 A utility which maintains a system's symbolic links. Linux/s390
sysklogd-1.3.31-14 System logging and kernel message trapping daemons. Linux/s390
SysVinit-2.77-2 Programs which control basic system processes. Linux/s390

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Fritz Elfert, Thu Jan 16 13:49:47 2003