Index index by Group index by Distribution index by Vendor index by creation date index by Name Mirrors

RPM of Group Applications/Editors

emacs-20.4-4 The libraries needed to run the GNU Emacs text editor. Linux/s390
emacs-el-20.4-4 The sources for elisp programs included with Emacs. Linux/s390
emacs-leim-20.4-4 Emacs Lisp code for input methods for internationalization. Linux/s390
emacs-nox-20.4-4 The Emacs text editor without support for the X Window System. Linux/s390
emacs-X11-20.4-4 The Emacs text editor for the X Window System. Linux/s390
jed-0.98.7-2 A fast, compact editor based on the slang screen library. Linux/s390
jed-common-0.98.7-2 Files needed by any Jed editor. Linux/s390
jed-xjed-0.98.7-2 The X Window System version of the Jed text editor. Linux/s390
joe-2.8-22 An easy to use, modeless text editor. Linux/s390
THE-3.0-1 THE, The Hessling Editor. Linux/s390
vim-common-5.4-2 The common files needed by any version of the VIM editor. Linux/s390
vim-enhanced-5.4-2 A version of the VIM editor which includes recent enhancements. Linux/s390
vim-minimal-5.4-2 A minimal version of the VIM editor. Linux/s390
vim-X11-5.4-2 The VIM version of the vi editor for the X Window System. Linux/s390

Generated by rpm2html 1.7

Fritz Elfert, Thu Jan 16 13:49:47 2003