Index index by Group index by Distribution index by Vendor index by creation date index by Name Mirrors

Packages beginning with letter P

p2c-1.22-8 A Pascal to C translator. linux/s390x
p2c-devel-1.22-8 Files for p2c Pascal to C translator development. linux/s390x
pam-0.74-22 A security tool which provides authentication for applications. linux/s390x
pam-devel-0.74-22 Files needed for developing PAM-aware applications and modules for PAM. linux/s390x
pam_krb5-1.31-1 A Pluggable Authentication Module for Kerberos 5. linux/s390x
pan-0.9.5-1 A GNOME/GTK+ news reader for X. linux/s390x
pango-gtkbeta-0.13-4 System for layout and rendering of internationalized text linux/s390x
pango-gtkbeta-devel-0.13-4 System for layout and rendering of internationalized text linux/s390x
passwd-0.64.1-4 The passwd utility for setting/changing passwords using PAM. linux/s390x
patch-2.5.4-9 The GNU patch command, for modifying/upgrading files. linux/s390x
pax-1.5-3 POSIX File System Archiver linux/s390x
pciutils-2.1.8-8 Linux PCI utilities. linux/s390x
pciutils-devel-2.1.8-8 Linux PCI development library. linux/s390x
pdksh-5.2.14-13 A public domain clone of the Korn shell (ksh). linux/s390x
perl-5.6.0-12 The Perl programming language. linux/s390x
perl-NKF-1.71-1 Perl extension for Network Kanji Filter linux/s390x
perl-DBI-1.14-10 A database access API for perl linux/s390x
perl-DBD-MySQL-1.2215-1 A MySQL interface for perl linux/s390x
perl-DBD-Pg-0.95-1 A PostgresSQL interface for perl linux/s390x
perl-File-MMagic-1.06-2 file command like perl5 module linux/s390x
perl-Perl-RPM-0.291-2 Perl-RPM module for perl linux/s390x
perl-Text-Kakasi-1.04-2 kakasi library module for perl linux/s390x
php-4.0.4pl1-10 The PHP scripting language. linux/s390x
php-devel-4.0.4pl1-10 Files needed for building PHP extensions. linux/s390x
php-imap-4.0.4pl1-10 A module for PHP applications that use IMAP. linux/s390x
php-ldap-4.0.4pl1-10 A module for PHP applications that use LDAP. linux/s390x
php-manual-4.0.4pl1-10 The PHP manual, in HTML format. linux/s390x
php-mysql-4.0.4pl1-10 A module for PHP applications that use MySQL databases. linux/s390x
php-pgsql-4.0.4pl1-10 A module for PHP applications that use PostgreSQL databases. linux/s390x
pidentd-3.0.12-4 An implementation of the RFC1413 identification server. linux/s390x
pilot-link-0.9.5-2 File transfer utilities between Linux and PalmPilots. linux/s390x
pilot-link-devel-0.9.5-2 PalmPilot development header files. linux/s390x
pine-4.33-8 A commonly used, MIME compliant mail and news reader. linux/s390x
pinfo-0.6.0-4 An info file viewer. linux/s390x
pkgconfig-0.5.0-1 A tool for memory profiling and leak detection. linux/s390x
playmidi-2.4-12 A MIDI sound file player. linux/s390x
playmidi-X11-2.4-12 An X Window System based MIDI sound file player. linux/s390x
pmake-1.45-1 The BSD 4.4 version of make. linux/s390x
pnm2ppa-1.04-1 Drivers for printing to HP PPA printers. linux/s390x
popt-1.6.2-12 A C library for parsing command line parameters. linux/s390x
portmap-4.0-35 A program which manages RPC connections. linux/s390x
postgresql-7.0.3-8 PostgreSQL client programs and libraries. linux/s390x
postgresql-devel-7.0.3-8 PostgreSQL development header files and libraries. linux/s390x
postgresql-jdbc-7.0.3-8 Files needed for Java programs to access a PostgreSQL database. linux/s390x
postgresql-odbc-7.0.3-8 The ODBC driver needed for accessing a PostgreSQL DB using ODBC. linux/s390x
postgresql-perl-7.0.3-8 Development module needed for Perl code to access a PostgreSQL DB. linux/s390x
postgresql-python-7.0.3-8 Development module for Python code to access a PostgreSQL DB. linux/s390x
postgresql-server-7.0.3-8 The programs needed to create and run a PostgreSQL server. linux/s390x
postgresql-tcl-7.0.3-8 A Tcl client library, and the PL/Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL. linux/s390x
postgresql-tk-7.0.3-8 Tk shell and tk-based GUI for PostgreSQL. linux/s390x
ppp-2.4.0-2 The PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) daemon. linux/s390x
printconf-0.2.12-1 A printer configuration backend/frontend combo. linux/s390x
printconf-gui-0.2.12-1 printconf-backend summary linux/s390x
procinfo-17-10 A tool for gathering and displaying system information. linux/s390x
procmail-3.14-6 The procmail mail processing program. linux/s390x
procps-2.0.7-8 Utilities for monitoring your system and processes on your system. linux/s390x
procps-X11-2.0.7-8 An X based system message monitoring utility. linux/s390x
psacct-6.3.2-5 Utilities for monitoring process activities. linux/s390x
psmisc-19-4 Utilities for managing processes on your system. linux/s390x
pspell-0.11.2-2 Portable Spell Checker Interface Library. linux/s390x
pspell-devel-0.11.2-2 Static libraries and header files for pspell linux/s390x
psutils-1.17-10 PostScript Utilities linux/s390x
pump-0.8.11-1 A Bootp and DHCP client for automatic IP configuration. linux/s390x
pump-devel-0.8.11-1 Development tools for sending dhcp requests linux/s390x
pvm-3.4.3-28 Libraries for distributed computing. linux/s390x
pvm-gui-3.4.3-28 TCL/TK graphical frontend to monitor and manage a PVM cluster. linux/s390x
pwdb-0.61.1-1 The password database library. linux/s390x
pygnome-1.0.53-7 Python bindings for the GNOME libraries. linux/s390x
pygnome-applet-1.0.53-7 Python bindings for GNOME Panel applets. linux/s390x
pygnome-capplet-1.0.53-7 Python bindings for GNOME Panel applets. linux/s390x
pygnome-libglade-0.6.6-7 GNOME support for the libglade python wrapper linux/s390x
pygtk-0.6.6-7 Python bindings for the GTK+ widget set. linux/s390x
pygtk-libglade-0.6.6-7 A wrapper for the libglade library for use with PyGTK linux/s390x
python-1.5.2-30 An interpreted, interactive object-oriented programming language. linux/s390x
python-devel-1.5.2-30 The libraries and header files needed for Python development. linux/s390x
python-docs-1.5.2-30 Documentation for the Python programming language. linux/s390x
python-tools-1.5.2-30 A collection of development tools included with Python. linux/s390x
python-xmlrpc-1.4-1 A set of Python modules for XML-RPC support linux/s390x

Generated by rpm2html 1.7

Fritz Elfert, Thu Jan 16 13:49:47 2003