Index | index by Group | index by Distribution | index by Vendor | index by creation date | index by Name | Mirrors |
basesystem-7.0-2 | The skeleton package which defines a simple Red Hat Linux system. | linux/noarch |
crontabs-1.9-2 | Root crontab files used to schedule the execution of programs. | linux/noarch |
filesystem-2.0.7-1 | The basic directory layout for a Linux system. | linux/noarch |
ksconfig-1.2-1 | A graphical interface for making kickstart files. | linux/noarch |
mailcap-2.1.4-2 | Associates helper applications with particular file types. | linux/noarch |
mkkickstart-2.3-1 | Writes a kickstart description of the current machine. | linux/noarch |
redhat-logos-1.1.2-3 | Red Hat-related icons and pictures. | linux/noarch |
rhn_register-1.3.1-1 | Red Hat Network Services registration program. | linux/noarch |
rhn_register-gnome-1.3.1-1 | GUI client for the RHN registration program. | linux/noarch |
rootfiles-7.0-4 | The basic required files for the root user's directory. | linux/noarch |
setup-2.4.7-1 | A set of system configuration and setup files. | linux/noarch |
termcap-11.0.1-8 | The terminal feature database used by certain applications. | linux/noarch |
thinkblue-release-7.1-1 | Think Blue Linux release file | linux/noarch |
Generated by rpm2html 1.7
Fritz Elfert, Thu Jan 16 13:49:47 2003